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January Chairmans update

19 January 2021

January Chairmans update

A very Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all had as good a Christmas as you could have hoped for given the current situation, and have kept yourselves safe. The January (Zoom!) committee meeting has passed without serious incident, and having been re-elected as Chairman for the coming year, I thought it might be nice to give everyone an update on all things ‘Thornham’.

Firstly, the management of the Club. As you will be aware, we couldn’t have an AGM last year, and so the only change to the makeup of our Committee is Patrick McMahon replacing Steve Grey. Sub committees have had their remit clarified and agreed, and members have been elected. A full list will be posted to the website since we have made some changes to the structure. February’s update will include information on the plans that sub committees are going to make.

The Club’s finances remain in good health thanks to the Government support we have received. We are perhaps fortunate that we have limited fixed costs and are run by volunteers, meaning there is much less to worry about for us than other pubs and clubs. It remains unclear when we will be able to reopen, but the Covid sub committee will be keeping up to date with all the guidance issued.

We are very hopeful that the season will be able to start on time and proceed as planned, a hope that is echoed by the GMCL and I’m sure all our fellow member clubs. The situation regarding overseas players is of course a concern given the border restrictions currently in place, but the hope remains that our signings will be able to get in the country. I have spoken to both of them and remain in touch – they are still keen to come over and hopefully the pandemic will be under a bit more control by April – I do keep a regular eye on the news!

Captains have been appointed for the upcoming season and here is a reminder for those of you who might have missed it:
First XI Andrew Micklethwaite
Second XI Matthew Riley
Third XI Matthew Collinge
I am delighted to announce that Muhammad Kashif has also signed on for the upcoming season, which provides a real touch of class to add to the talent already present within the First XI. We hope that all the teams can push on from last year’s efforts and enjoy a successful season. Off the back of 2020 it is my hope that the boys have got back a bit of belief in themselves and can back each other once again to produce some good cricket on the pitch. Particularly in the First XI last year I know that we played with a fantastic team spirit for the 10 weeks we had; all our players pulling in the right direction and playing for each other and the team, which was vital to our success – hopefully this can be replicated throughout the entire Club this year.

Off the pitch our new garage is very nearly complete, which will double up as a sight-screen for the nets. Given that winter nets is not currently allowed, we will be working to get the nets fit for starting outdoor practice much earlier than usual. The white background of the garage and an extended run up area should make the practice experience more conducive to better quality, match-like training. The drainage of the pitch is also still being diligently improved by Stan Kenyon.

Outside of the Club, the greenbelt area surrounding our ground remains under threat. The GMSF may have been pushed back in its current form, however there remains the likelihood of an altered version becoming a consideration. The newly formed Community, Responsibility and Engagement sub committee will be tasked with keeping up to date with developments in this area.

Hopefully that provides you all with a nice little update on our current situation. I am led to believe that our lockdown quizzes will continue, which is great and my thanks to Erin and Andy for putting those on. We intend to communicate monthly to members with an update like this, so keep an eye on the Club website!

Andrew Micklethwaite

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Thornham Cricket Club

Rochdale Rd, Middleton, Manchester M24 2RB

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