Join our Committee
6 May 2021

Thornham Cricket Club’s general committee is made up of 14 members as per the club rules in the handbook.
Due to personal circumstances a vacancy has arisen, and the committee is looking to co-opt a 14th member to serve until this year’s AGM in December.
The role will consist of but not be limited to attendance at committee meetings once a month, direct involvement in club decision making, sitting on one or more sub-committees, and generally being a responsible and proactively helpful member of the club.
The ideal candidate will already be a member of the club. You will also need to be interested in shaping the future of the club, making sure that future is safeguarded and that the running of the club is in keeping with members’ wishes. Any improvements to the club go through the committee so you will be expected to participate in decisions and discussions around what is best for the club now and looking forwards.
If this sounds like something you want to be involved with, please contact Chairman Andrew Micklethwaite on 07969205679 and register your interest before Wednesday 12th May.
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